Sunday, September 1, 2013

The revolving door nature of blog antinatalism

It has not escaped my notice that antinatalist blogs often burn out quickly. One look at the blogrolls and old comments sections of several antinatalist blogs will show you people who seem to have no further presence online.

So what ends up happening to them? Does the ennui of depression get the best of them? Do they work up the willpower to end it all? Do they leave the antinatalisphere for their own mental health? Do they de-convert, or simply get bored with it all? What do you think, dear readers who don't exist because all the anti-antinatalist people are on youtube and only people who hate my guts and care nothing about actually convincing me of the truth of antinatalism read this blog?


  1. Who are some of the Youtube anti-antinatalists?

    1. LudditeReturns, Gratex, Rozebooje, and Qnntka.

      I wouldn't recommend the last one though, he's kind of an asshole.
