Friday, June 7, 2013

Reactionary Antinatalism

In this blog post, I will address Reactionary Antinatalism and attempt to refute it.

First though, however, some readers have expressed confusion at the term "Reactionary Antinatalism". Although it shares overlap with Philanthropic and Misanthropic Antinatalism, I believe it constitutes a unique ideology. Some have also expressed skepticism at the political opinions I have ascribed to RAs being their real positions. I would suggest they simply head to the twitter of Chip Smith, head of AN publishing press Nine Banded Books and died in the wool Reactionary. Some are confused as to Mr. Smith's motives and ascribe his publishing of controversial reactionary material to a strong belief in Free Speech. However, given  Mr. Smith has said that he does not believe free speech is a terminal value, and given that he is clearly not a reprehensible sociopath who publishes things just to make people angry and stir up controversy, he must clearly publish books he believes in. Furthermore, Sister Y and Jim Crawford clearly support Chip, as Sister Y follows many reactionaries like Brony Nationalist, My Nationalist Pony, and Less Wrong imperialist Konkvistador and Jim has Chip's blog up on his blogroll. Point proven!

RAs believe that a world where minorities and women have free reign is simply not worth living in. Aside from a massive pogrom, which they would support, but consider unlikely, they believe the best option for the White Race(note the caps) is to simply die off and leave the world to minorities to destroy. To this I would simply find that all this is part of an Antinatalist tendency towards universalism and essentialism. True, SOME whites consider it an indignity but as Stevie Wonder and Frank Sinatra found, racial harmony is not an impossible goal(at least not as impossible as a great white die-off). I would also note that, given that Hegelian historical dialectics do not exist as proven by reactionary blogger Mencius Goldbug, they can have no assurance that the current system will eventually be proven unworthy and die off for a reactionary regime, so the best thing to do is to simply deal with the system and learn that blacks and Mexicans and Jews are not as scary as they seem to be from a distance.

(Also Karl, if you're reading this, my comments inexplicably seem not to be coming through on your blog. You might want to fix something, as I know you wouldn't silence debate simply because you are uncomfortable with it. As the reactionaries firmly believe, truth is the most important thing out there.)


  1. Good job. Now all that's left for you to do is accuse antinatalists of issuing death threats at you and you'll win the Derailing for Dummies Bingo.

  2. Huh? Nobody's threatened my life.

    Well actually, if you count red button arguments, I guess antinatalists have threatened my life but it's not a personal thing in that case.

  3. It's "dyed in the wool". Pinhead.
